Thursday, September 17, 2015

No, Donald Trump, You Are Wrong!!

The following is a transcript of the part of tonight’s debate, now that i have had a nap, and some of my spoons are back, in which Donald Trump, and other Republicans are continuing to blame Autism on vaccines.
This….needs to stop. It is this kind of talk and attitude which keeps us in a place of continuing to be misunderstood, misinterpreted, unheard, not listened to, muzzled, silenced, abused, discredited, stigmatized, Othered, thrown away, ignored, mocked, laughed at, exploited, denied quality medical care, denied quality services and supports. The way Trump, Paul, and others talked about us, was like we are all wrong and damaged goods.
Just no.
Autism has always been around. Autistic people have always been around.
I thank God for the internet and social media, because the internet and social media has given us our voice and platform to effectively get our stories out there. That, and better diagnostics are why we are more visible. And we are not tragedies and burdens. And we are not an epidemic.
We are human beings in need of being heard, listened to, and accepted, and included.
I have made this post, and transcript into a blog for my Facebook, WordPress, and Blogger blogs. Here is the transcript:
” Carson: There have been numerous studies and they have not demonstrated there’s any corelation between vaccinations and autism. This was something that was spread widely 15 or 20 years ago and it has not been adequately revealed to the public what is going on. Vaccines are very important – certain ones, the ones that would prevent death or crippling. There are others – there are multitudes of vaccines which probably do not fit into that category and there should be some discretion in those cases.
Trump: Autism has become an epidemic. 25 years ago, 35 years ago, you look at the statistics, not even close. It has gotten totally out of control. I am totally in favor of vaccines. But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. … I am in favor of vaccines. Do them over a longer period of time. Same amount but just in little sections. And I think you are going to see a big impact on autism.
Carson: The fact of the matter is we have extremely well-documented proof that there is no autism associated with vaccinations. But it is true that we are probably be giving way too many in too short a period of time. And a lot of pediatricians now recognize that and are cutting down on the number and the proximity in which those are done and I think that’s appropriate.
Trump: That’s all I’m saying.
Paul: One of the greatest medical discoveries of all times were the vaccines particularly for smallpox … I’m all for vaccines, but I’m also for freedom. I’m also a little concerned about how they are bunched up. My kids had all of their vaccines and even if the science doesn’t say bunching them up is a problem, I ought to have the right to spread my vaccines out at the very least.
Huckabee: We need to remember that there are maybe some controversies about autism but there is no controversy about the things that are really driving the medical costs in this county. And I would really believe that the next president ought to declare a war on cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s, because those are the four things that are causing the greatest level of cost. … I grew up in the 50’s. I remember the polio vaccine. We saved billions of dollars since that time because we haven’t had to treat for polio. Why doesn’t this country focus on cures rather than treatment? Why don’t we put a definitive focus scientifically on finding the cure for cancer, for heart disease, for diabetes, and for alzheimer’s, a disease alone that will costs us 1.1 trillion by the year by 2050. “
They would all do well to read Steve Silberman's Book "Neurotribes". 

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