Is still so very, very worried and fearful that the police are going to take the speed trailer away from me this week.
I really hope they’ve realized that i have not had to call or email them ever since they came to turn the speed trailer on on June 2nd for me. I hope they get to read the letter the psychiatric nurse i saw this past Thursday, is writing to them. I hope one of my friends can help me start petition to send to the police about this.
I don’t want to have to live on this street anymore, without a working speed trailer here on my side of the street where i can easily see it and monitor it from my house. Because without the speed trailer, my street is wild and i feel unsafe here. Greatly unsafe. The speed trailer makes me feel a sense of security i have never felt ever since i moved here 25 years ago.
Having the speed trailer has meant me being able to actually get outside alot to watch it and take pictures of it, which has resulted in me getting to say hi everyday to some of the business neighbors to my east who i thought didn’t like me…..and finding out that they are friendly…..that they do like me and that they do understand my need to watch the speed trailer working.
One of my favorite servers at a local restaurant who i am friends with here on Facebook, has even seen all of my posts about the speed trailer, and she even agrees it has helped me, and saw how much of a wreck i was when they took the other one away from me on April 25th and left me with no speed trailer at all for one whole month, then put this one here, and did not turn it on till a week after it had been here.
I am praying so hard. My mom is even saying a continuous novena for me that the police will keep a working speed trailer here from now on, till i am able to move from here.
I AM going to try to find some way i can move from here. Hopefully i can be out of here by the first part of 2017, or earlier, if a miracle happens that will open those doors for me.
Below, is another picture of the speed trailer. It really has become a good imaginary friend to me that i feel i greatly need at this time of my life. I hope the police will please understand this and let me keep this one, which is an RU2 Systems Fast 870 speed trailer, or the Wanco speed trailer, either one is fine with me.